to be honest I wanted to name this video that’s my Bulma you asshole but honestly it will work because it was it was so direct and because of the way that Chris was able to portray the line and make it expanding in such a way but anyway I do enjoyed this I have seen this movie maybe twice but I have seen this clip of the powering up because of Bulma getting hit I’ve seen that happening plenty of times and I decided to put my own little two cents into it so there you go
【声真似】神MADのノリノリフリーザを元気よく歌ってみた 2023.01.26
めちゃくちゃおもしろいMADを歌ってみました!! めっちゃ難しかったですが,楽しかったです! 本家も最高なのでよろしくお願いします! 【本家】 ノリノ[…]
【MAD】ココロオドル×ドラゴンボール 2021.07.29
真面目に作ったMADです。どうか見てください() #ドラゴンボール #MAD #ココロオドル[…]
ドラゴンボールMAD【やぶれかふれ】名言集 2021.12.03
#ドラゴンボール名言集 #ドラゴンボール改[…]